ただでさえ、(日本人の)友達があまりいなかったのに、私とモモは好んで田舎に住むものだから、この先、日本人コミュニティーとは無縁かしら? なんて思ってました。
リカルドは、モモのバンド(Primitive Reason)のファンで、くみちゃんは知り合った頃からバンドの曲を聞かされており、Primitive Reason を知っている数少ない日本人の一人。ありがたや〜。
そして、偶然にもうちの近所のファミリーととても仲が良いらしい。その人たちもモモのバンドのファンらしく、うちからPrimitive Reasonの生音源が聞こえるようになったとき「近所にPrimitive Reasonのメンバーが越してきたよ!」って友人の間で噂が広まったみたいです。嬉しい話しです。
<あいちゃん家族と一緒に星に願いを、七夕デー> Jimopi : An old Japanese slang meaning "
Jimoto (local)" "
Not a big fan but it seems that using abbreviations is quite common these days. Japan is no exception although this has always been a part of the Japanese culture since the past. Slangs/abbreviations reflect the trends of the time. Many were created and forgotten, and some made its glorious debut on dictionaries. Some exist as a slang spoken between specific group of people even today.
I would say that the characteristics of Japanese abbreviations are the mixture/arrangement of words with other languages (mainly English).
(1) Simply shortened word: "
Terebi" >> Television (pronounced
TEREBIJON in Japanese. Note that it was not taken from the actual English abbr. "TV" or "Tele".)
(2) Shortened long words or phrases (syllabic abbr.): "
ChoBeriBa" >>
Cho (super)+
Bad / "
Arafoh" >>
Fourty = people (usually women) around their 40's / "
Ikemen" >>
Ikeru (cool)+
men (as in man plural or "face" in Japanese) = handsome / "
Aburagisshu" >>
Abura (oil)+gish (taken from the german word "ener
gish" meaning energetic) = greasy person or persistent person
(3) Abbr. consists from the first letter of group of words >> "
NHK" =
Kyoku (Japan broadcasting cooporation) / "
UFJ" >>
Financial of
Japan (why translate and then abbriviate??)
AND of course there are lots and lots more used in online texts, starting with the ":)" which was not so hard to figure out, but hey, who came up with the "LOL"?!
It was only recently that I found out the meaning of it since I have always thought of it as a head with two arms up on each side, meaning "hands up"! No wonder it never made any sense.
Say, I have no basic sense but full of imagination...
The Article in Japanese is about our wonderful friendship starting last summer!